Follow me as I give you daily P90X reviews and a P90X diary. I will give you lots of insight into P90X, P90X schedule, interesting tips and facts while exercising, and lots of good information about the workouts, nutrition, and much more! My P90X reviews and diary shows my progress as Tony Horton tries to kick me into shape!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 4: Yoga X... who knew?

Day 4/90 | 4% Complete

This was my first yoga lesson ever... and I had no idea what it was going to be like. It turned out to be much much harder than I ever thought. It was peaceful and difficult all at the same time. I felt completely relaxed after finishing it. Some of the moves I couldn't even get close to doing since I am definitely not as flexible as I should be. As usual, Tony is a great motivator even when you think you're completely out of energy, he gets you to do one more set or hold a pose for 10 more seconds. One of the hardest things for me is holding my leg straight and high in a bunch of the moves. So, I just hope that as time goes on, I can start to see a difference with that.

I really liked this workout and I hope it will give me more energy throughout the day today since I have been lacking energy the last couple of days. The only problem I have with this workout is that it's a little longer than the other ones since it's an hour and a half long. However, I feel like this workout will help me so much with my balance and my flexibility as well.

By the way, as I mentioned yesterday, I've been looking at new dumbbells since I can't stand mine. I went to the store and checked out a couple of the adjustable dumbbell sets and it seems like the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells are one of the only well-made ones out there. A lot of the others are metal and "stick" a lot while trying to adjust the weights. I found a less expensive but smaller SelectTech dumbbell set that only goes up to 20 pounds of total weight per dumbbell but I think I may go with this. It goes from 2.5 lbs to 20 lbs in 2.5 lb increments and is a lot more compact than the larger set. I have heard that the larger set which goes up to 52.5 lbs is sometimes too large and unwieldy. My only requirements are that I can adjust it in 2.5 lb increments and that it goes up to 20 or 25 lbs. I would really like it if these went up to 25 lbs but for $150 I might just buy these and then buy a few individual dumbbells for the larger weights or continue to use my current set as well. Bowflex needs to make another set of dumbbells which adjusts from 20-50 (or 75) so you can use the smaller set for smaller weights and the larger set for larger weights but, oh well, I can't ask for everything, can I?

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