Follow me as I give you daily P90X reviews and a P90X diary. I will give you lots of insight into P90X, P90X schedule, interesting tips and facts while exercising, and lots of good information about the workouts, nutrition, and much more! My P90X reviews and diary shows my progress as Tony Horton tries to kick me into shape!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Day 1: Chest and Back

Day 1/90 | 1% Complete

What have I gotten myself into? This first day of workouts was harder than I ever imagined, but now that I'm done with it, I feel great! Today was all about working the chest and back. There were lots (and I mean lots!) of different types of push-up and pull-up exercises, some that I have never done before. I have never been good at pull-ups so I used a chair as he shows in the video to help with the pull-up. I did as many as could without the chair and then used the chair for assistance.

One thing I would highly recommend is to buy either a set of individual dumbbells or one of those awesome new dumbbell sets that adjust to the weight which you want. I am currently using the free weight dumbbells which you have to remove and add the weights for each side which was taking way too long between sets to complete. I may soon exchange that for individual dumbbells but I don't want to spend too much money on them.

Then, when the workout was over, it wasn't time to relax, because it was time to do the Ab RipperX workout. This workout is about 15 minutes long and really does a killing for your abdominal area. I couldn't get through all the exercises like they could, but I'll just do as much as I can and then hopefully continue to improve.

Day 1 was certainly not easy... actually, it was downright tough. But, it was exciting and fun and I can't wait to see results in my body.

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