Follow me as I give you daily P90X reviews and a P90X diary. I will give you lots of insight into P90X, P90X schedule, interesting tips and facts while exercising, and lots of good information about the workouts, nutrition, and much more! My P90X reviews and diary shows my progress as Tony Horton tries to kick me into shape!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 3: Shoulders and Arms

Day 3/90 | 3% Complete

I've been going through the last couple days sore from the previous day's workout. But it's good soreness! As long as I'm not in pain anywhere and my muscles are sore, it's all pure goodness. The shoulders and arms workout was another good one but I realized one thing. My dumbbells just won't cut it. As I mentioned before I use the free weight type of dumbbells with a bar where you have to change the weights on each side of the bar every time you want a different weight. Well, for this workout I was switching practically every single set which, first off, is not fun at all. Second, it wastes so much time and, third, it gives me too much rest between sets.

I've been doing the workouts in the morning right after getting out of bed and before going to work and I need the workouts to take as little time as possible so I can get to work on time. So, I'm going to price a few different options. I like the Bowflex adjustable dumbbells, but at $330, they're a bit expensive and I have heard mixed reviews about them. I will also check out regular individual dumbbells from The Sports Authority and see how much they go for, but I definitely need a change! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Besides for that, the workout was awesome. Tony kept me motivated as usual. His "twin" look-alike was in this video which was quite bizarre. At the end just when I thought I was done, I realized I wasn't. The Ab Ripper X was coming up. So, I killed the abs and I felt like I could do a little more than the first time around a couple days ago.

I can't wait to keep bringing it!

1 comment:

Nicholas Davaul said...

Try target or GNC.

They both have selectech-type dumbbells. 5-25lbs for about $62/each.

I have the same DB's as you with the twist lock. HATE EM. Fortunetly, my employer has a full size workout gym at work so I do my weights there. But when you don't have the $$$ you have to use what you have. One friend of mine used plastic jugs filled with rocks to certain weights.