Follow me as I give you daily P90X reviews and a P90X diary. I will give you lots of insight into P90X, P90X schedule, interesting tips and facts while exercising, and lots of good information about the workouts, nutrition, and much more! My P90X reviews and diary shows my progress as Tony Horton tries to kick me into shape!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Don't Count Me Out

I'm back! I know it's been 8 months since my last post but I'm getting the itch - the itch for P90X again. Unfortunately, due to a vacation and a little injury, I didn't make it past week 4 at the end of last year. This time around I'm going to try to get further. Wait... did I say try? I mean I will do what it takes to get further. This time around I need a set goal and to think it through. Since I'm going to be on vacation starting in the beginning of September I will wait until after that vacation to begin.

I've enjoyed reading the comments of those of you who have left them. I hope all of you are getting a little something out of reading my previous posts and I will continue giving insight and helping you along the way as I start up again... Just as long as you help me along the way too!

I'll be back real soon with more!